Interior of the Mineral Palace in Pueblo, Colorado.
The official pueblo inventory of cultural resources
This inventory includes some places only surveyed. For listings that are subject to historic preservation regulations, see Property Appendix for indicated listings on the City of Pueblo, State of Colorado. Also see Property Appendix for alternate addresses of a place. Properties within the City limits listed on the National Register of Historic Places before 1981, and properties listed 1981 and after with owner consent signature are retroactively listed as local landmarks per City of Pueblo Historic Preservation Code, Pueblo Municipal Code, Section 4-14-8(l). National Register Properties outside historic districts are summarized from published Colorado Historical Society descriptions. Properties within Historic Districts (district names denoted in description) are summarized from 1980 Pueblo Building Survey and Nominations. Bibliographic sources may be found in original landmark application staff reports.
Current as of September 30, 2020
Notes: Comments and corrections are welcome. Please send to HPC@Pueblo.usand include “HPC inventory” in the subject line.