The Haunted Windchimes Performing at Evolution of Blue (Pueblo Memorial Hall | 2014)
“MISSION: Promoting the production, enjoyment, and collaboration of the arts for the purposes of economic development and an enriched quality of life in Pueblo.”
There’s plenty to explore in Pueblo’s Creative Corridor. Art. Music. Dance. Over an easily navigated area, the Corridor is packed with galleries, museums, street sculptures and fountains, cafés, cozy shops and live music—all ready to challenge your imagination and inspire your visit.
The Pueblo Creative Corridor is a Colorado Certified Creative District and administered by the Pueblo Arts Alliance, Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority and Pueblo City Council. It is focused around the three historic city centers of Pueblo: Downtown Main Street, Union Avenue Historic District and the Mesa Junction. Each retains its uniqueness, while providing an enjoyable stroll from one end to the other. The Creative Corridor is host to numerous programs, festivals and creative events throughout the year.
The Pueblo Creative Corridor’s First Friday Art Walk festivities begin at 5 p.m. on the first Friday of every month with activities in each district. Visit the more than 35 art galleries, restaurants and businesses in the Creative Corridor. Ride the VanGO Art Shuttle for free, convenient traveling around the Creative Corridor loop with step-on, step-off service at 13 favorite locations. All activities associated with First Friday Art Walk are free.
Pueblo’s First Friday Art Walk provides more than paintings, photography, fiber arts, sculpture, glass and pottery. Many galleries and shops have special demonstrations of “live art activities.” There will be newly hung shows, refreshments, live music and entertainment. Visitors can create their own free walking art tour of a variety of locations by starting at one gallery, picking up a Creative Corridor Explorer’s Guide, and traveling on to another destination after mingling with the artists. The free guide is available in galleries and participating businesses and includes a plan of activities and a map.